
One Hundred Famous Views of Edo by Hiroshige Utagawa, Spring No. 33 "Towboats on the Yotsugi dōri Canal"

Present view
Painted by Hiroshige in 1856

This river was Hikifunegawa river. Some boats and people who was pulling the boats were shown on Hiroshige's print. This was called "Hikifune". The mountain shown on the upper left of the print was Mt. Tsukuba which was located northeast of Edo. By the direction of the boats and the location of Mt. Tsukuba, the people came back from Matsudo post town.

Now, Hikifunegawa river was reclaimed and it changed to Hikifunegawa park. And Hikifunegawa river was just straight, past and present.




Map made in 1880

より大きな地図で 四ツ木通用水引ふね を表示

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